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Tally Prime 4.0 Download : How to upgrade, activate or install and try it’s features?

Tally Prime 4.0 Download is available on Tally site for its users to use.

Tally Prime 4.0 features would amaze you . You can try the software version which is having some game changing features for your business. Recently Tally has released its beta version of Tally Prime 4.0 and offered roll out of WhatsApp messaging features for it’s customers to try out. The response is fabulous.  You can check out the release note before proceeding further. They are available in Eng and Hindi

Tally Prime 4.0 Download

You can download Tally Prime 4.0 the latest version available from our download page.  Even all previous Tally Prime versions are also available on this page.

How to Install Tally Prime 4.0?

How do you install Tally Prime 4.0 depends on how you are using it in your computer. Let me explain. Are you an existing  user or you are a new user. If you are an existing user the you have to upgrade your existing Tally to Tally Prime 4.0 else you can install for the first time.

Install Tally Prime 4.0 for New user

If you are are using Tally for the fist time then you can directly install Tally Prime 4.0 with default configuration as recommended by Tally. Just after having Tally Prime 4.0  download file the latest version double click on setup and start installation process.

The path of installation would be  C:\Program Files\Tally Prime.

Upgrade to Tally Prime 4.0 for Existing user

It is a simple three step process from within your existing Tally Prime.

At gateway of Tally you would see Upgrade to latest release button. Just Press Alt +U . After That you have to select upgrade now button and then press yes to install the upgrade.

Upgrading to Tally Prime 4.0 Follow the red dot

Another simple method to install is follow the red dot. Go to  F1 Help and the press Upgrade

Upgrading to Tally Prime 4.0 by downloading

If you face any error while upgrading from within application then you can download the Tally Prime 4.0 download file and double click and choose upgrade option. The same path can be used if your want to upgrade your Tally from earlier version to Tally Prime 4.0. Then also the installer would show you upgrade option.

Install Tally Prime 4.0 on separate location

The biggest advantage of Tally Prime 4.0 is that you can install it parallelly besides Tally Prime 3.0.1 on the same set of data. If you don’t want to disturb your existing Tally installation but also want to try Tally Prime 4.0 then you can install it in a separate folder. In installer just click on install new option. Then in configure option edit the path.

You can make it to C:\Program Files\Tally Prime 4 .

A new folder would be created. You can also edit the Tally icon name as Tally Prime 4. It would make another icon as Tally Prime 4 on your desktop and shortcut menu.

Updating Tally Prime 4.0 edit log

You need Tally Prime 4.0 download of Edit log file. The rest of the process would remain same as discussed above. Get the setup file from our download page and Install it.

Caution : You can upgrade to Tally Prime 4.0 only if your TSS is active. If it is expired then you need to activate it first. Send your update request to us

If you want to figure out that if Tally is suitable for your business or not then try it for free from our side. Even if you are worried that whether you would be able to use it or not then also Try ApniTally. We would do the setup and guide you.

Get your free Activation Key and try it

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