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Top 10 Tally Posts and Tally searches of 2006.

As the new year is round the corner, it is right time to get a flash back of year 2006. Here is the list of my top 10 post about Tally according to number of hits they got. The ranking is based on my traffic as tracked by Google Analytics. You would get an idea what people are most interest in Tally. You can also get any missed post.

1. Crack for Tally 8.1
My post for those people who are looking crack of Tally software.
2. Demo Test for Tally Certified Professional (TCP)
A demo test for practice for all aspirants who want to become Tally Certified Professionals. This test has been attempted by over 1500 different people including some Tally employees !!!
3. Recover your data in Tally
Tips to recover your lost data and ways to create backup.
4. Download Tally9…..
Tally 9 and its features as described on new designed site of tally.
5. Exporting Data from Tally
A quick preview about how to export data out of tally into other softwares like MS Word, MS Excel etc.
6. Getting started with Tally
Post about things to take care of before starting work in Tally
7. Faster data entry in Tally
How in work faster in tally. Some shortcuts and tricks.
8. How to migrate data from Tally 7.2 to Tally 8.1
Step by step explanation about how to migrate your data from older version to newer version of Tally.
9. Why Tally turns Educational
Exploring why Tally turns educational and some solutions of this problem.
10. Tally 9 new version coming soon.
My pre-launch news related to schedule to be tally9 Launch.

Top 10 searches about Tally
After coming to my site people search for many terms the top 10 most searched terms are here. The source is google search records from my site.
1. Tally 6.3
2. Demo test for tcp
3. tally 4.5 to tally 7.2
4. Tally 4.5
5. Tally 7.2
6. FBT
7. tally 8.1 crack patch
8. tdl
9. Tally 8.1
10. how to take backup in tally 7.2

Most popular tally search tags were
Crack, Tally 8.1, Download tally, Data migration, pirated tally, tally 7.2, FAQ’s, Tally Tips, Tally, shortcut keys

Happy tallying !!!

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