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Learning Tally in Three Steps: Step One Creating Masters

This article is for beginners of Tally software. Readers who have mailed me that they want to learn Tally from the starting can find this post helpful. I have earlier posted getting started in Tally. which has rich list of resources from where anybody can start learning Tally. Now is the next step forward the first lesson in Tally. Before that let me give a brief idea of what we do in Tally and how we use this software. This First part of three step process.

How we work in Tally.
As we all know Tally is an accounting software, basic activity in Tally is to record our transactions. But before recording we have to do some master creations. After that we can enter transactions using those masters. These masters are ledgers , items, units and groups etc. After that we can see the reports on the basis of vouchers entered. So the basic tally activity can be divided into three parts viz.

Creation of masters,
Voucher entry and
Viewing Reports.

Creation of Masters
The first step even before learning creation of masters is creation of Company. To start working in Tally we have to create a company. You can learn step by step how to create company in Tally.ERP 9 from this blog post. For Tally 7.2 guidelines on how to create company can be found on this article with screen shots.

One Short video is also available which tries to teach How to create a company.

Now we have to create masters. The ledgers, the groups if needed to define particular type of ledger to group them , the items if we are keeping inventory and the Units etc Here is the list of tutorials to create these masters.
How to create a Stock Group ( Where you can classify different Items)
In Step Two we would learn How to create vouchers. So Keep Watching.
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