Today I was scratching my mind for one article on Tally I thought lets see whats going on internet related to Tally. I always keep on tab on what is going on internet related to Tally. New blogs which are currently on Tally, or new partner sites of Tally which are offering its services etc I never fail to miss.
I have written about it previously also, and some helping sites, but this time to my surprise I found really good stuff which i can’t stop myself from telling my readers.
Tallynine.com : Developed By Mahender Rana, this site has some really nice articles on Tally. Well readable this site is developed on wordpress. I have never worked on wordpress and found it dificult, but i don’t know how Mahender thought of wordpress instead of blogger. He is a technical guy and some of the articles are with in depth knowledge.
Tally9book.blogspot.com : Another nice site which is quite readble and having good number of articles. Site is developed by a businessman Sanjay Satpathy. He has also developed www.tally9book.com which is having basic knowledge about Tally which may be helpful to new users. If he keeps on writing then his site would be doing good business also.
Accounting Education: Developed by Mr. Vinod Kumar from HP, this site has small small articles. But I envy his frequency of writing. Readers can get basic knowledge articles also. Site has nice design and is on blogger platform.
Tally9.info : This is the site of a Tally Partner and is maintained by Ashwin. The site frequency is low but articles are informative. User can get help good help there. I wish he should continue helping
These are few sites which I could search for readers to take a look. I hope more and more people would come forward. I have mentioned only those site which provides free help to its readers and many partners of tally are running their sites but they are purely business sites. Readers can evaluate and take the help and suggest any others sites which can be helpful for readers and skipped by me.
Dear Shailendra,
Thanks for the article. However when matter comes to tally sites,Apnitally is a king in this field.This face is also prove from yesterday's my site status as I got highest referrer only from apanitally due to your this article.
For me, apnitally is a learning school and like a foundation stone for setting tallinine.com
Thanks for a for providing a great educational post.
Thankyou Very much for your Valuable information