Voucher Number in Tally Prime 3.0.1 : Starting multiple series in one voucher

Voucher Number in Tally Prime 3.0 has many new configurations. One feature about which no one knows very much is that, now  you can make multiple invoice series in one voucher itself. we don’t have to make multiple voucher types to get different number series. Now in Tally Prime 3.0 you can generate multiple voucher number series in a single voucher only. Lets understand it a little bit detailed manner.

Multiple voucher number series in a single voucher in Tally Prime

In previous versions of Tally i.e. Tally.ERP 9 or even Tally Prime 2.1 also, if you were maintaining several invoice number series for sales then you have to define separate voucher types for each series. Many businesses maintain multiple bill number series for different type of billings. e.g. for local sales they maintain separate invoice number series where as for out side state sale they manage separate invoice series.

In the same way if you want a series for wholesale which should be different for your retail sale and POS sales then you have to maintain three different vouchers under sales voucher type. One for POS, One for wholesale and one for retail sales. In these voucher types you can maintain three different voucher numbers.

In this way the voucher number in tally prime would be different for each series.

Check out  this post on how to restart voucher numbering in new financial year.

But things have now changed in Tally Prime 3.0 onwards. Now if you want to generate multiple series then it can be done in just one voucher type.  Lets see how this thing can be achieved.

Starting multiple series in sales voucher

Multiple series of voucher number in Tally Prime is possible just follow these steps. From Gateway of Tally go to Alter then Voucher Type and now select your sales voucher. Here Press F 12

Gateway of Tally > Alter > Voucher Type > Sales Voucher > F12

Multiple voucher number series in one voucher in Tally prime 3.0

Put Define multiple voucher Numbering series for voucher to Yes


Define multiple voucher series

Now create a voucher series

create another series for different voucher numbering

Define the series as shown in the pic below

configure the series numbering

Now you would see the screen of advance numbering of any voucher. Here define your series by adding the prefix or suffix or both as desired by you. Below is the sample screen for your reference. You can change the values  as per your requirement.

Define advance voucher number in Tally prime

How to configure Advance voucher number in Tally Prime

Here are the fields and their explanation which you need to know. Use these fields as per your choice of invoice number style.

Starting Number : This would be your first number.

Width of the numeric part : How much long do you think your invoice number can go. for 1000 invoices in a year choose 3 and for more then 10000 choose 4

Prefill with Zero : the invoice number would be 001 instead of 1

Applicable from date : from when you want this type to be applicable.

Starting Number : the first invoice number. If you are starting in midway then you can define your own number also.

Prefix detail: If you want something like TP/23-24/001 instead of just 1 then  use prefix.

Suffix detail :  If you want something like TP/001/23-24 then write TP/ in prefix and /23-24 in suffix

Check out this one minute video from ApniTally youtube channel which explains the whole process in just one minute.

You can also see this whole series of one minute videos which would give you a quick reference for your day today Tally queries.

Voucher Number in Tally Prime 3.0 has really addressed many issues. In the era of e-invoice and edit log voucher number plays a vital role. Now we need to be more conscious while deciding about the numbering series. One thing you can be sure of is that now we should not delete any voucher in Tally. If we need to get rid of certain vouchers then we can certainly cancel these vouchers. by pressing Alt + X.

Deleting vouchers would leave spaces in your series which would not get filled in Tally Prime 3.0 as voucher number in Tally Prime 3.0 doesn’t adjust themselves automatically on deletion.

Check out this one minute video on how to insert missing sales vouchers in Tally.